- Mowed the lawns and used the clippings to mulch a bed in preparation for planting;
- Fed my citrus trees - the leaf-eating grasshoppers have even been munching on my lemon tree, but it keeps fighting back;
- Examined, with obsessive care, the progress of last weekend's seed planting. So far, the purple king beans are up, but there's no sign of the bush beans...

...and all the zucchinis have come up. Now we pray that the possums have found a more interesting food source elsewhere...

The lettuces and beetroot are also making a showing, but they're too small for meaningful photography at this stage.
This weekend in the kitchen, I have:
Made a moroccan fish stew, care of Bill Granger. The recipe is here. I made it with locally caught mahi mahi. It tasted great. We have a saying in our house; 'in Bill we trust'. That is, we never mess with Bill Granger's recipes. If you follow them, the food always comes out fantastically.

I was over at Saucy Onion, where I was inspired by Indira's Saturday pizza. Mine is not nearly as pretty as hers, but I did make the dough! Topped with a bit of tomato paste, roast pumpkin and fetta, then garnished with basil from the garden after it was cooked. Tasted great!

It looks wonderful!
ReplyDeleteThanks :)